Jordan White Colombia Reflection

Everything is not always what it seems. Going to Colombia opened my eyes and heart. Before the trip there were moments when I struggled with the thought of being there. And during the trip, there were times when I questioned how far I should be in the moment. It was challenging to be in a country where I did not speak the dominate language and where the news we hear about Colombia from the media is not always accurate.

During the week in Colombia, we had important conversations prior to entering a community and hearing the stories of the people so that we could understand the context of what was happening. During these conversations it was like the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. Each time that we travelled with one of our partners to a new community, my heart became a little bit fuller and I gained a new perspective. The people that we met have faced and continue to face many obstacles because of the violence that forced them to flee their towns and villages. That said, a consistent part of each story was that they did not give up because their faith led the way for a brighter tomorrow.

The work that is being done there was a balance of both faith and action. It was because of the faith of our partners that they are trying to assist displaced communities. These actions help people sustain their faith in times of great challenge. Through these actions my faith became a lot stronger because even though I saw the hardship, the hope they have has given me hope. I now know more about what Colombia is like: A place where the food is great, the culture is strong, and faith is everlasting. Where it is possible for strangers to become friends, friends become family, and family becomes community. My world became smaller when I opened my arms and heart to embrace new people.