2024 YLS Show & Tell

Graphic art is impacting mission and outreach. Youth are reorganizing for evangelism. Parking lots can be the front door to the Church. These are just a few of the things that inspired us from the 2024 Youth Leadership Symposium’s “Show and Tell” event on June 1st. A dozen youth presented the projects they have designed. Some were complete. Some are still unfolding. Others are going to take some time, because this cohort has been thinking big! 


Youth Leaderships Symposium has three full cohort gatherings each year, and the last one has come to be known as “Show and Tell,” where participants present their main project and share how it is impacting their local congregation. Those who are done can celebrate. Those still working can get support and some feedback. Those with events further out can share their plan and invite input from their peers and the adult mentors. If you need something to revive your hope for the Church’s future, this is the place to be! 


Sam Dolan, a member of First Christian Church in Findley, OH worked with his congregation to design a pollinator garden along the landscaping. Since their church rents space from a United Church of Christ congregation, he had to work with their Church Council as well. Along the way, Sam noted that the building’s brick structure needed some tuckpointing done. By the end of his project, the building and its grounds had both received a facelift. 


“I just want to thank everyone who helped make this possible,” said Sam during is presentation, “YLS has been a great experience and I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received.”


Other projects included pancake suppers, mentoring picnics, intergenerational art projects to support local nonprofits, upgrading hospitality and marketing efforts, installing a basketball court for a church’s neighborhood, minimizing a church’s carbon footprint, and providing a festival for local children. As projects are completed, we will share their stories through the HELM newsletter and post them at www.YouthLeadershipSymposium.org. You can already find reports from the 2023 cohort on the website. 


Registration for YLS 2025 is now open. Every congregation can register one youth and one adult for free. Anyone who would like to host an in-person “pod” so youth in their area can zoom in together should contact YLS Director, Lee Yates, so we can add them to the registration form. You can reach Lee at LYates@HELMdisciples.org.