Endowing A HELM Scholarship

We have the opportunity to turn mere money into life-changing, and life-giving, ministry, recognizing the value of education in the success of families, communities and the Church. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “Knowledge is power.”


Through HELM, the Ann E. Dickerson Scholarship is one such opportunity. This honors the memory of the former vice-moderator of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) whose term started in August 1975. A member of the faculty of Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, she died in October 1975, shortly after receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. The Dickerson scholarship, professionally managed at HELM, is specifically awarded to female members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) pursuing a Ph.D. in religion. 


We invite you to make a difference in the lives of students from Disciples congregations of the by creating and endowing an ongoing college, university or seminary scholarship. It can be for undergraduate studies as well as higher degrees. Join us in providing students from all walks of life with the tools and resources they need to fearlessly and faithfully face today’s challenges to shape a brighter tomorrow.


Educating just one person goes far beyond that individual, making a positive impact on the greater good of the family, community, church and country. Education is a major factor in building stable governance, improving society, reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, and achieving gender equality through a ripple effect. College graduates are significantly more likely to find employment, earn a higher salary and obtain health insurance. The higher education experience also exposes student to a greater variety of cultures, skills, and experiences. 


Creating an endowed fund at HELM for a named scholarship requires a minimum gift of $25,000. This will provide an annual stream of income to fund the scholarship forever. We have the flexibility to structure the scholarship to create the impact you desire, whether it be by student geography, area of academic study, etc. It does not have to be institution-specific. Scholarship applications are reviewed and awarded by HELM staff and the Board of Directors scholarship committee.


Note: Donors interested in starting an endowed scholarship have the option of reaching the minimum level over a 5-year period.


In addition to an outright gift, a scholarship can be funded with a gift of appreciated securities. By transferring the securities directly to HELM, you bypass any capital gain taxes on the appreciation. Please contact me at (317) 695-8267 for instructions.


If over age 70 ½ with a traditional IRA, you can make HELM a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA account. This also allows you to avoid claiming that part of the distribution as ordinary income on your taxes. When over 73, the qualified charitable distribution also can serve as the required minimum distribution, again allowing you to claim that as ordinary income on your taxes.


Jim Cullumber

Director of Major Gift & Planned Giving