News & Updates

Congratulations, Yolanda Pierce!
Vanderbilt University School names influential public theologian Yolanda Pierce as next dean…Read More.

Center for Faith & Justice Certificate Program Offering
Georgetown University’s Center on Faith + Justice invites you to its 2023 Certificate Program, designed to equip participants with a theo-ethical vision for substantive engagement in civic and public life, and effective advocacy at local, state, and federal levels.

Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago Uniquely Equips Students for Ministry, Scholarships, and Life
The 2023 Distinguished Alumna of the Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago, Cynthia Gano Lindner, has taught and nurtured religious leaders for over twenty years in her role as Director of Ministry Studies at the Divinity School. Her book, Varieties of Gifts: Multiplicity and the Well-Lived Pastoral Life, urges emerging religious leaders to […]

Esports at Barton College
Interested in an esports program that also offers college scholarships? Barton College may be the perfect fit! Students can hone their digital prowess in esports as they pursue their choice among a wide variety of challenging academic majors offered on campus. Among Barton’s newest co-curricular programs is the increasingly popular Esports program. Launched in 2019, […]