News & Updates

Yale Divinity School Intensives Conducted by Leading Practitioners

Yale Divinity School students receive instruction from professors who are among the most noted theologians and Bible scholars in the academy. But the academic experience does not end there. Several times a year, students take for-credit, weekend-intensive courses from leading practitioners as part of the School’s Transformational Leadership Program. Launched as a key component of […]

November Interim Iterations

The Fall chill has arrived here in the Midwest. The high temperature today will be only 38 degrees. The leaves have turned their yellow and crimson colors, detached from their branches, and are swirling about on the roadways and fields. The Higher Education and Leadership Ministries Board of Directors has met, selected a Search Committee […]


T.A. Abbott Award: A Call for Nominees

Each Spring the Board of Directors of Higher Education and Leadership Ministries (HELM) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) selects an individual to be the recipient of the T.A. Abbott Award for Faculty Excellence. This is the most prestigious recognition that our church bestows upon members of faculties of the 15 colleges and universities […]

Brite President Newell Williams Announces Retirement

At the Spring Board of Trustees meeting, Brite President Newell Williams announced his intended retirement from his position effective August 31, 2022.  Dr. Williams has served in the capacity since May of 2003, having previously taught at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN and Brite Divinity School.  Since coming to Brite as President, Dr. Williams […]

