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Celebrating Disciples Affiliated HBCUs

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have provided and continue to provide excellence in higher education, especially to African American students. Prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, institutions of higher learning in the United States routinely barred African American students from attending. Those schools that did accept African American students tended to have […]

Meet Graduating Leadership Fellows Program participant Jordan White

What college/university will you be graduating from? Northern Kentucky University Majoring in… Major: Political Science Minor: Pre-Law What was your motivation for deciding your major(s)? At the heart of Political Science is people. Each individual person is different and they react differently to things that happen in life. I chose to major in political science […]

Where Are They Now: Former DLI participant Lee Ivey

1) Where are you currently serving?  Please share a bit about the work/ministry in which you are involved. I currently serve at Light of the World Christian Church (LWCC) where I am the Servant Leader for the New Members Ministry.  I have the privilege of leading a team that walks with persons deciding for the […]

Meet Graduating Leadership Fellows Program participant Quinlan Pulleyking

Quinlan Pulleyking will graduate from Missouri State University in May 2020 with a degree in Communication Studies. During her undergraduate career, she also minored in Religious Studies and completed certificates in Conflict & Dispute Resolution as well as Interfaith Engagement. Throughout college, Quinlan has served on staff at an after-school ministry for at-risk youth in […]

