HELM Board Votes to Increase Partnership with Christian Church Foundation

The Higher Education & Leadership Ministries Board of Directors has voted to move the investment of its endowment and other holdings to the Christian Church Foundation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Spring 2025. 

“The time is right, and the ministry is right,” said Sarah Little of Springdale, Arkansas, chair of the Finance and Investment Committee that recommended the change. For many years, HELM used a private management firm that did a good job. 

The Christian Church Foundation (Foundation) provides investment management and services for most general ministries and institutions, regions, and hundreds of Disciples congregations. The Foundation provides HELM with a competitive, long-term history of returns at a lower and more transparent cost. HELM’s Investment Committee will continue to oversee all investments, but the Foundation will be responsible for the day-to-day decisions and oversight of investor managers. This also lets HELM’s Board and staff focus more on its core mission of connecting Disciples students and resources.

Chad Cline of Fort Worth, Texas, an Investment Committee member and incoming chair, also pointed out the Foundation is part of the church. HELM’s investment costs do not go to shareholders, but into Disciples ministries to support efforts to build up the church.

HELM President Tamara Rodenberg said HELM will continue to encourage and request direct gifts of all kinds. Knowing that these dollars are invested at the Foundation gives donors additional confidence that their gifts will be handled wisely.

“We are grateful to HELM’s Board for inviting us to discuss the Foundation’s investment services,” said Foundation President Matt Rosine. “Our partnership with HELM is more than investment returns, it is resourcing HELM’s leadership development initiatives for the benefit of Disciples ministries, congregations, and our communities.” 

This partnership with the Foundation will also enhance communications between ministries equipping the Foundation’s staff with increased knowledge of HELM’s programing and objectives that will resonate with Disciple donors.