The Leadership Fellows Program seeks to cultivate and strengthen participants' potential for leadership through intentional focus on Christian community, societal transformation, global awareness, and leadership engagement. Students entering undergraduate education may apply to the program, which includes a scholarship, annual retreat, and an international cross-cultural experience. While the Leadership Fellows Program does include a grant, it is not primarily a scholarship program. The program aims to develop leaders through an intentional focus on the following four major areas:

Year 01 Community


During their first year, Fellows will:

Explore the complications of personal and communal ethics.

Engage in conversations around expectations, autonomy, responsibility, and leadership.

Primary Reading: Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler

Year 01 Community


During their second year, Fellows will:

Understand the nature and purpose of Christian community.

Engage in conversations around what it means to build and sustain authentic community.

Primary Reading: Called to Community

Year 03 Global Awareness


During their third year, Fellows will:

Learn about intersectionality and cultural humility.

Engage in conversations around authentically and effectively walking in solidarity with partners.

Primary Reading: Rebels, Despots and Saints by Sandhya Jha

Year 01 Community


During their fourth year, Fellows will:

Learn about lifelong practices of spiritual and vocational discernment.

Engage in conversation around how to live meaningful lives of faithfulness and service.

Primary Reading: Let Your Life Speak, by Parker Palmer

(Unfortunately, we cannot accept applicants who are current college students.)

  • Membership in a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the
    US and Canada.
  • Entering first year of full-time, undergraduate study at a
    regionally accredited college or university in the US or Canada.
  • Entering first year of community college is acceptable, provided the student plans
    to transfer to an accredited, 4-year college or university at the end of their first or
    second year.
  • Students who have taken a year off after high school graduation and expecting to
    begin their first year of undergraduate studies at an accredited college or
    university are also eligible.
  • Demonstration of leadership qualities throughout school, community, and church

Upon receipt of the Interest Form, HELM will send applicants a link to the Application
Form and detailed Instructions for completion.

  • Online application
  • Official High School Transcript 
  • Two short essays
  • 3 Letters of Reference (from a pastor, a teacher, and a supervisor)
  • All materials must be received by the March 15 deadline for an applicant to be considered.


Click HERE to apply!

Questions? Email Lee Yates at for assistance!