This month, I was asked to write a newsletter article about income taxes and charitable giving. As tax season quickly approaches, we are starting to receive our donor letters and statements along with our other tax documents. With today’s tax laws and high standard deductions though, more and more donors are finding that charitable donations don’t help to itemize deductions. Luckily, reducing income taxes is not a primary motive for giving.
So why give? Numerous mental health studies say giving is good for the heart. More importantly, according to philanthropy researcher Dr. James Russell, people give to programs that match their interests and passions, and those where they can make an impact. Something where they can feel they’ve made a difference.
We want to provide for family and loved ones and if we are able, give them some financial security in their future. But dream with me a little. Imagine the impact of a scholarship on a student preparing for that first year of college. Imagine the life-changing impact a gift to the Leadership Fellows might make – merging a college scholarship with a chance to understand valuable traits in leadership and the encouragement from knowing other church leaders standing beside you. Imagine the seminary student preparing for graduation, but facing uncertainty in how to lead a congregation beyond sharing of the Gospel.
Perhaps you benefited from a scholarship. Perhaps you have mentors who help you navigate some of the ethical and moral dilemmas. You know the importance of these resources.
That’s what we do at HELM: Bring students and resources together. From late high school years through support for those seeking a PhD, students are awarded scholarships and special learning opportunities – all because of the gifts from current donors and the legions of saints who included HELM in their giving plans.
We invite you to have an impact on the lives of Disciples students. Consider a gift online at; increase its impact by making it a recurring gift. And to discuss more opportunities that will make you a hero to a student, give me a call at 317.695.8267 so I can hear where your passions lie and how we might make another dream become reality.