Meet Graduating Leadership Fellow Yejin Lim

 What college/university will you be graduating from?

Texas Christian University

Majoring in…

Marketing with a Minor in Accounting

What was your motivation for deciding your major(s)?

I switched from an Accounting major to a Marketing major in the discovery that accounting was not a good fit for me, and I wanted something more creative. The mixture of research, data analysis, and creativity in marketing drew me to the major. I am really enjoying all my marketing classes right now and look forward to where my career will go from here.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

My dream is to become an influential leader in the business world that demonstrates Christ through my life – being a person who is loving, accepting, and forgiving. In five years, I imagine myself out of the beginner years of my career and somewhat confident in the work I am doing. I will probably be involved in my church and community, hopefully working with children in some form. I want to contribute to building an equitable community that honors and glorifies God. Where whoever you are and whatever brokenness you feel, people are able to come in the presence of Christ. Isn’t that what God’s kingdom about?

What advice would you give the Freshman year version of yourself?

The biggest thing I learned and realized through the last four years is to be okay with who I am. To embrace all of it – the shy, the diligent, the unconfident, the nervous. Embrace both the good and maybe not so good. “You are growing every day, so be patient with yourself.” It might sound cliche, but the saying rings true.

If you had a talk show, who would your first three guests be?

Lin-Manuel Miranda. Jake Zeratsky and John Knapp. And if it could be someone not alive right now, I would say King Sejong, the one who made the Hangul, the Korean language, in hopes that the greater population with no access to education could easily read and write.

How has your vision of the future been enhanced by your time in the Leadership Fellowship?

One of the beautiful things about being a young adult is that the many questions about life, faith, society, etc. are unanswered. We must try to figure life out ourselves. The Leadership Fellows Program really taught me things I never know before. I felt “knowledge is power” was demonstrated by the various speakers we met and interacted with through our retreats. Furthermore, the community created by the different individuals all wanting to learn was amazing. It was a space for me to ask my questions and also be challenged by others with their thoughts and ideas. I vision a future where the community I felt through the Leadership Fellows Program might be formed in many places, so we may have intellectual but fun conversations that can lead to a positive movement forward.

Updated bio:

Yejin will be graduating with a marketing major and an accounting minor at Texas Christian University in May. She is part of the John V. Roach Honors College with a Magna Cum Lauda. She enjoyed being part of the International Student Association (ISA) leadership for two years and being part of the Disciples of Christ (DOC) community on campus. Yejin is a small group leader for the young adult group at her church in Dallas. During breaks, she has been serving at her home church, Nashville Hanshin Christian Church, with service broadcasting, singing in the choir, and playing the flute in the worship team. She is currently working as a marketing coordinator for her school’s dining services. Yejin does not know yet what is next for her after graduation, but she has peace in her heart and faith that God will lead her well as God always has. For God’s plans are greater than ours!