Meet Graduating Leadership Fellow Zaemelys Ramos-Rodriguez

What college/university will you be graduating from?
Biola University this past December.

Majoring in…
Psychology with a minor in Art.

What was your motivation for deciding your major(s)?
I am a strong advocate for mental health care, especially in underserved communities,
and I knew I could help add to that field of work as a clinical psychologist. I desire to continue my education by studying in a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology and hope to work with ethnic minority children through research and clinical work.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I hope to be graduating, if not almost graduating, from a clinical psychology program,
and hopefully, accomplish some of the projects I’ve set myself to do.

What advice would you give the Freshman year version of yourself?
I would say to be true to what you stand for and not be afraid to share your perspective
on life. Your opinions and viewpoints matter and they may help others navigate life.

If you had a talk show, who would your first three guests be?
It would probably just be an excuse to meet people I greatly admire (as well as my
celebrity crushes), so I would for sure love to have Selena Gomez, Tom Holland, and
Pedro Pascal. I also really value these people because of how they carry themselves
and what they stand for and believe.

How has your vision of the future been enhanced by your time in the Leadership Fellowship?
The Leadership Fellows Program has helped me gain more confidence in myself and
helped strengthen my values and beliefs. It has helped me grow in ways that I needed
and equipped me as a leader as I step forward in a new journey in my life.