Meet Graduating Leadership Fellows Participant Finley Baldwin

1) Where are you currently serving?  Please share a bit about the work/ministry in which you are involved.

I am currently serving as the Director of Student Ministries at Hillyer Memorial Christian Church in Raleigh, NC. In this role, I work with our Director of Christian Education to oversee the curriculum and programming for middle school, high school, and college-aged students. In addition to our weekly youth group meetings, I lead a weekly meeting for our college-aged students called Disciples Student Fellowship (DSF) in which a member of the congregation hosts our group for dinner and a brief bible study.

2) What are some of your memories from your time in the LF program?

During my time in the Leadership Fellows Program, my most memorable experiences involved the yearly retreats and an international trip to Cuba. These experiences included having the opportunity to meet people from very diverse backgrounds and allowed me to have a more well-rounded understanding of events and issues throughout the world, better preparing me for my future. One moment that stands out was during our trip to Cuba. We had the opportunity to sit down with a group of Cuban college students and discuss how our worldview was fostered in our school and church settings growing up and how that has changed over time.

3) What skills, experiences and/or knowledge did you gain by participating in the LF program? 

The Leadership Fellows Program prepared me for my future by teaching me how to communicate and reach resolutions on issues when you have a group of people from multiple backgrounds and beliefs. With students and adults from all over the country, we came from different backgrounds and although we were all Disciples, each church has subtle differences in beliefs and practices. This was a new experience for me and it helped me become more comfortable with my speaking skills while also becoming more confident in my leadership abilities as I saw what I can bring to the table in a group

4) In what ways has this participation shaped your understanding of ministry and, in particular, what it means to be a leader?
Overall, the Leadership Fellows Program taught me that I can be confident in my abilities as a leader and not to be afraid to speak up. The environment that the program provided was so open and inviting that I was able to break out of my shell without fear. This allowed me to open my heart and mind and realize
that I do have a calling to serve in ministry. The Leadership Fellows Program taught me that there is more to ministry than just standing up and giving a sermon on Sunday mornings and that there are multiple avenues that we are called to serve. I am very thankful for what the Leadership Fellows Program taught me and I use these skills every day in the church as well as my personal life.