Embracing New Beginnings: Arise!

Rev. Dr. Tamara Nichols Rodenberg

Easter is a time of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. It is a celebration that marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and signifies hope, redemption, and transformation. In her writings, Diana Butler Bass beautifully captures the essence of Easter as a time to embrace change, reflect on spiritual growth, and embark on a journey toward a brighter future. She emphasizes the importance of embracing new beginnings, both individually and collectively, and views Easter as a powerful symbol of renewal and hope. According to Bass, Easter invites us to look beyond our past mistakes and failures and to envision a future filled with grace, love, and possibility.

In her book Grounded: Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution, Bass delves into the idea of resurrection not just as an historical event but as a metaphor for personal and societal transformation. She challenges readers to reflect on the ways in which they can experience their own “resurrections” – moments of awakening, growth, and renewal that propel them toward a more authentic and purposeful life.

As we journey through the season of Easter, it is a time to embrace change, seek renewal, and cultivate a spirit of hope and resilience. Just as the earth awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth with new life during springtime, so too can we experience a spiritual awakening and a fresh start in our own lives.

Many students are just about to enter a challenging time of papers and final exams even while they witness nature arising out of winter toward the hopeful, bright colors of spring. At HELM, we especially think of our seniors at this time of year. The doorway to their future and the celebration of their accomplishments is near; yet, like the Season of Lent, there is still a path to journey before graduation arrives. We will share the stories of some of our seniors in our May Digest. For now, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare to take the next step as educated leaders!

Lastly, in this issue, you will encounter a beautiful story of a congregation whose legacy will forever empower the lives of students. We remain deeply grateful to all of our current congregational partners. Today, we want to lift the legacy gift from Northside Christian Church, St. Louis, MO. Gifts like this “dawn new wings” and bring the resurrection story to life, especially for students who will benefit from this scholarship for generations to come. Please accept our deepest and profound thanks to the members who made this difficult but life-giving decision.  Let me dedicate this short but meaningful poem to Northside Christian Church:

Winter’s cold introspective place
Born anew creation’s grace
Life unfolds from seed’s long pain
Warm sun’s gentle springs refrain

A song of life with faithful healing
Promise of freedom now revealing
A song of hope in nature’s chorus
Rises up in joy before us
(Author Unknown)

As we celebrate Easter and the promise of new beginnings, may we draw inspiration from one another and resurrection life from new visions as we work together to change lives, one student at a time, in the life of our beloved Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).