Higher Education & Leadership Ministries (HELM) remains dedicated to nurturing and supporting emerging leaders in higher education and ministry preparation. This commitment is once again highlighted as HELM proudly announces the recipients of our 2024-2025 HELM Scholarships.

The recipients, celebrated in this Digest, represent a diverse and talented group of individuals who have shown exceptional promise in their respective areas of interest and academic pursuits. HELM’s mission is to resource and empower diverse leadersproviding financial assistance and mentorship to future leaders, enabling them to pursue their educational goals and make a positive impact in their communities.

As families and HELM’s partner institutions gear up for the upcoming fall term of the 2024-2025 academic year, there is a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. Students are eager to dive into their studies, armed with the knowledge that they have the support of organizations like HELM behind them every step of the way. The journey towards higher education can be daunting, but with the backing of dedicated mentors and scholarships like the ones offered by HELM, students are encouraged to reach new heights and achieve their full potential.

In addition to providing financial aid and scholarships, HELM also recognizes the importance of practical experience and hands-on leadership training. That is why HELM Leadership Fellows are gearing up for their fall leadership retreat, which is set to take place alongside the Caminantes and the Disciples Border Initiative in Tucson, Arizona. This retreat offers fellows a unique opportunity to engage with real-world issues, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and hone their leadership skills in a supportive environment.

Celebration is in the air as HELM also acknowledges the leadership changes within various educational institutions. It is a time to bid farewell to esteemed leaders who have dedicated their careers to shaping the minds of future generations and to welcome new faces who will carry the torch forward. Dr. Nancy Pittman’s retirement from Phillips Theological Seminary marks the end of an era, while Rev. Gary Kidwell’s appointment as Interim signifies a new chapter for the institution.

Similarly, the installations of Dr. Stephen S. Cady as President of Brite Divinity School, Dr. Lisa W. Davison as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean and the Johnnie Eargle Cadieux Professor of Hebrew Bible of Phillips Theological Seminary, and Rev. Cherisna Jean-Marie, the first Black person and woman to serve as Dean at the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt University mark the beginning of exciting new ventures in the world of higher education and ministry.

Dr. Nancy Pittman’s legacy at Phillips Theological Seminary is one of innovation, compassion, and dedication to academic excellence. Her leadership has guided countless students on their educational journeys and her presence will be greatly missed. As Rev. Gary Kidwell steps into the role of Interim, he brings with him a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to continuing the mission of the seminary. Under his guidance, Phillips Theological Seminary is poised to thrive and grow, building upon the strong foundation laid down by Dr. Pittman.

Similarly, as Dr. Lisa Davison steps into the role of Dean at Phillips Theological Seminary, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in theological education. Her focus on community engagement and spiritual formation promises to enrich the academic experience for students and faculty alike. As Dean, Dr. Davison will play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the seminary and fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and spiritual growth.

Meanwhile, at Brite Divinity School, Dr. Stephen Cady’s installation as President heralds a new era of leadership and growth. With a vision for inclusivity, social justice, and academic rigor, Dr. Cady is set to lead Brite Divinity School towards even greater heights of excellence. His passion for education and his dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders make him a fitting choice to steer the school into the future.

Lastly, at the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt University, Rev. Dr. Cherisna Jean-Marie’s appointment as Dean of the Divinity House signals a fresh perspective and a renewed commitment to nurturing emerging leaders in ministry. With a background in pastoral care, social justice advocacy, and interfaith dialogue, Rev. Dr. Jean-Marie brings a wealth of experience to her new role. Her leadership is sure to inspire students to engage meaningfully with the world around them and to live out their calling with passion and purpose.

As we reflect on these leadership changes and congratulate those who are retiring or taking on new roles, one thing remains clear: the future of higher education and ministry is in good hands. At HELM, we will continue to pave the way “bringing student and resources together” for current and aspiring leaders to thrive, innovate, and make a meaningful impact in their communities. With scholarships, mentorship programs, leadership retreats, and a continued commitment to excellence, HELM is shaping the next generation of leaders who will go on to transform the world around them. The road ahead is filled with promise and potential, as emerging leaders step up to “navigate and influence an ever-evolving society with grace, wisdom and compassion” and to meet the challenges of tomorrow with courage and conviction.