The 2018 Caribbean-US Forum on Theological Education and Praxis

Theological education in today’s interconnected world demands opportunities for students to experience and learn from different cultures and contexts. Partnerships with theological education institutions around the world are one means of providing this interaction.  From September 24th to October 1st, 2018, the Caribbean-US Forum on Theological Education and Praxis brought leaders from seminaries and theological institutions related to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ together with colleagues from theological schools in Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss ways of partnering together.  The Forum, sponsored by Global Ministries as part of the Caribbean Initiative, was hosted by the United Theological College of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Rev. Angel Rivera-Augusto, the Area Executive for Latin American and the Caribbean at Global Ministries, noting the importance of this gathering, explained that “The Caribbean-U.S. Forum on Theological Education and Praxisallowed the participating institutions to challenge themselves mutually in the process of developing a theological education that can respond to the social challenges in both the Caribbean region as well as in the United States.”  During the week, participants shared about the social and theological realities in both the Caribbean and the United States, the academic programs their respective schools offer, and opportunities to dialogue about collaboration into the future.

During the conference, time was spent sharing information on various settings in which represented theological schools train students. One surprise for many was similar educational challenges across contexts.  Rev. Dr. Oral Thomas, Acting President and Dean of Studies at United Theological College of the West Indies, reflected on the time together: “It has been helpful to learn about the challenges that we each face. At times, when you are acting independently, you become easily overwhelmed. However, to know there are others in the same space that you are – facing the same challenges – is helpful. We’re really not alone. It gives us an opportunity to share resources in such a way that we can use our varied gifts in the service of God.” Dr. Palmira Ríos-González, Interim Dean at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, agreed: “One unanticipated outcome of the forum was learning about the common challenges faced by seminaries in the United States and the Caribbean.  Because of these similarities, I learned about many organizational models that can inform how we evaluate our programs.”

Towards the end of the week, time was set aside for schools to engage in initial conversations about ways they could partner. Rev. Dr. Joretta Marshall, Executive-Vice President and Dean of Brite Divinity School, shared that “There are multiple ways to engage in conversations and partnerships. De-constructing the temptation of those of us in the continental United States to pre-determine the outcome of those partnerships moves us closer to the realm of God. I look forward to the development of further ways of being present to one another.”  As the facilitator of the Forum, Rev. Rivera-Augusto shared his excitement about the conversations that took place: “The way participants sat together and explored future projects and initiatives demonstrated the openness they brought to the event as well as expectations to share with one another the need of forging alliances and mutual strategies.” Opportunities including faculty and student exchanges, joint programs, cultural exchanges, and library and resource development were also recognized for their potential to foster future collaboration.

A sentiment shared by all involved was a feeling of thankfulness for time together and the forming of new relationships.  Dr. Carlos Hamm, President of Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cuba, gave thanks to Global Ministries, a common witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ: “I want to say thank you for organizing this important Forum of which we all benefited.  It served to strengthen our mutual support towards ecumenical theological education in both North America and the Caribbean region.”   Rev. Dora Arce-Valentin, Chairperson of the Gender Studies Program at Matanzas, concurred: “I take home the confirmation that being together, accompanying each other, and praying for one another gives us strength and the courage to continue our task in each of our contexts. Despite the challenges of the current world and the proliferation of ideologies that proclaim values which are in opposition to God’s Realm, I go back home with hope.”  Finally, Rev. Dr. Marshall said that “The gift of meeting colleagues in theological education and having people engaged in focused conversations about the Caribbean was incredibly rich! I am grateful for the generous spirit of those I encountered during the week.”

HELM gives thanks to Global Ministries for supporting and facilitating this Forum, offering the opportunity for Disciples related theological institutions to engage with colleagues on ways to partner and strengthen the work of theological education.


List of Forum participants:

Rev. Dora Arce-Valentín, Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary

Rev. Dr. Jon Barnes, Higher Education and Leadership Ministries

Rev. Dr. Ashley Cleere, Pathways Theological Program

Rev. Dr. Stephanie Crowder, Chicago Theological Seminary

Ms. Bethany Guy, Director of Communications, Global Ministries

Rev. Dr. Joretta Marshall, Brite Divinity School

Rev. Dr. Mary Moschella, Andover Newton Theological Seminary

Dr. Palmira Ríos, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico

Rev. Angel L. Rivera-Agosto, Area Executive for Latin America and the Caribbean of Global Ministries.

Rev. Dr. Oral Thomas, United Theological College of the West Indies

Rev. Elida Quevedo, Venezuelan Center for Theological Studies