T.A. Abbott Award for Academic Excellence 2023 Nomination Form

Nominations must be received by 11:59 PM EST on March 31st, 2023

Nominee's Information

Include title (Rev, Dr, etc.) if applicable

Nomination Statement

Submit nominee’s curriculum vita as a Word Document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) document

Provide a narrative statement addressing each of the following criteria.
1. “A professor who by the strength of his or her teaching and personal example, inspires the student toward excellence; and whose underlying educational philosophy, irrespective of academic discipline, is wholeness of person.”
2. “A professor who continues to grow and learn in his or her academic discipline.”
3. “A professor who manifests a personal faith.”

You can use the text space below to copy and paste or type your answer OR you can attach a Word Document or PDF File with your response.

Your Information

Include title (Rev, Dr, etc.) if applicable