Attention all aspiring non-fiction writers! Join us this October for four online workshops on "How to Write and Publish for Faith, Spirituality, & Ministry."  These workshops are presented by Higher Education & Leadership Ministries (HELM), Chalice Media Group, The Writing Table, and Lexington Theological Seminary, and will be led by Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed (The Writing Table) and Brad Lyons (Chalice Media Group). Register by September 24 for a discounted price of $80 (regular price $95), and be entered to win a free month of access to The Writing Table! Workshops will be held on October 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 4:30-5:30PM EST.


OCTOBER 8:  SESSION I - WHAT HINDERS MY WRITING? Dispelling myths and establishing habits

OCTOBER 15: SESSION II - WHERE CAN I FIT WRITING INTO MY LIFE? Experience writing in community

OCTOBER 22: SESSION III - HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY WRITING? Exploring craft, structure, and themes

OCTOBER 29: SESSION IV - WHO WILL PUBLISH MY WRITING? Developing a publishing relationship

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell Reed is the Visiting Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care at Union Theological Seminary (NYC), co-director of the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project, founder and host of Three Minute Ministry Mentor, and author of Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life (2021). In the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, she launched The Writing Table to provide virtual space and friendly coaching to pastors, professors, graduate students, and authors. On weekday mornings she helps these writers to build better habits, write in a supportive community, and finish their projects. Eileen has also written the #PandemicPastoring Report (2022), The State of Clergywomen in the US (2018), Anatomy of a Schism (2016), as well as many book chapters, journal articles, blogs, essays, sermons, and church curriculum. Eileen has one college-aged daughter. And she lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her spouse and two rescue cats on land formerly the Belle Meade Plantation and indigenous home of the Cherokee, Creek and Chickasaw peoples.

Brad Lyons (he/him) is the president and publisher of Chalice Media Group. He is the extremely lucky father of three kind, funny, and smart kids, and the extremely proud husband of Rev. Courtney Richards, an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Brad graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism with an emphasis in magazine editing. After his award-winning work in local newspaper journalism and community public relations, he worked in leadership development for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and earned his MFA from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He has served in his role at Chalice for 13 years. His family lives in suburban St. Louis.