Leadership Fellows Contact and Travel Information Update Form

Please, fill out this form whenever you need to update your contact information or address where you will receive mail during the school year.

This address will be used to mail your assigned book, and, if necessary, other materials. Include Room, Apartment, Box Number, etc.
This address will be used to mail your fellowship check, and, if necessary, other materials. If your mailing address changes at any time during the school year, please fill out this form again with your new information. Include Room, Apartment, Box Number, etc.
Ex: "Please include my student ID on the memo line"
If, yes, you will be sent a secure bank portal process in which to upload information.
Departure Airport
Arrival Airport: Please list the airport you want to arrive at after the retreat
Date of Birth
Thursday Departure Time Constraints?
she/her, he/him, ze/zir, etc.
Please list any food allergies and eating habits that we should be aware of
Any other accommodations we should be aware of?