T.A. Abbott Award: A Call for Nominees

Each Spring the Board of Directors of Higher Education and Leadership Ministries (HELM) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) selects an individual to be the recipient of the T.A. Abbott Award for Faculty Excellence. This is the most prestigious recognition that our church bestows upon members of faculties of the 15 colleges and universities in covenant with the church and it includes a cash award of $1,000. The cash award can be used by the recipient to expand their library, develop a new course offering, or continue their education or research.

Nominees for this award must meet certain criteria, among which are the following:
+  A professor who by the strength of his or her teaching and personal example inspires the students toward excellence; and whose underlying educational philosophy, irrespective of academic discipline, is wholeness of person.
+  A professor who continues to grow and learn in his or her academic discipline.
+  A professor who manifests a personal faith.
Nominations for the 2023 T.A. Abbott Award can be made by submitting a letter of no more than two pages outlining the reasons why your candidate should be the recipient of the award.
The deadline for submitting nominations is February 15, 2023.
All nominations should be sent to the attention of HELM Interim President, Ronald J Degges, at:
P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206
or by e-mail at: rdegges@helmdisciples.org.