Where Are They Now: Former DLI participant Lee Ivey

1) Where are you currently serving?  Please share a bit about the work/ministry in which you are involved.

I currently serve at Light of the World Christian Church (LWCC) where I am the Servant Leader for the New Members Ministry.  I have the privilege of leading a team that walks with persons deciding for the first time or redeciding to join in a closer relationship with God, either by baptism and/or new/returning membership with LWCC.  I get to witness the manifestation of God’s love realized within a person firsthand, which is a beautiful thing indeed.

Outside of the physical church, I serve as a full-time Mental Health Counselor.  I journey with individuals, couples, families, and groups to encourage living a life that they enjoy, where healthy boundaries within self and others become accessible and even preferred.


2) What are some of your memories from your time in DLI?

I often think about my first-time joining this amazing group of leaders. It was a beautiful few days in Utah where I experienced a transformation like none other.  Keep in mind, I was entering my first DLI Conference from an immovable and unshakable embedded theology, so I thought I knew everything about how God operates.  Then, all-of-a-sudden, the person who held the responsibility for bringing the elements for communion had a delay in their flight.  Someone spoke in a loud voice, “Does anyone have some bread and a cup?”  Out of nowhere, one of my esteemed colleagues grabs a loaf of perfectly sliced wheat bread with the honey top.  Another colleague fills a cup with water from the fountain. The words of institution rang bountifully.  That day, I experienced God in a new way as my foundation was beautifully shaken.  Since then, my sermon continues to be filled with an encouragement for the person listening that God can move even in our immovable, unshakable, embedded places.


3) What skills, experiences and/or knowledge did you gain by participating in DLI?

I gained space within myself to be impressed by God.  I learned from training on sermon and bible study preparation, advocating for others both inside and outside of the church, and thriving in discomfort.  DLI exposed me to various ways of doing ministry and I’ve been able to bring some of these “eye-openers” back to my home church, asking some critical questions that challenge and, simultaneously, bring peace.  I am so thankful to have gained relationships with other leaders who are trailblazers inside and outside of the church.  The Revolution continues!


4) In what ways has this participation shaped your understanding of ministry and, in particular, what it means to be a leader?

Being a part of this program has challenged everything I thought I knew.  Before DLI, and to my detriment, I thought the pastor was the most important piece on the chessboard. At DLI, I learned the gift of empowering others to not just have ideas, but to live into them, is vital.  I learned to distribute not just responsibility but authority, and not just the idea of leadership but the freedom to make mistakes.