Meet Graduating Leadership Fellows Program participant Quinlan Pulleyking

Quinlan Pulleyking will graduate from Missouri State University in May 2020 with a degree in Communication Studies. During her undergraduate career, she also minored in Religious Studies and completed certificates in Conflict & Dispute Resolution as well as Interfaith Engagement. Throughout college, Quinlan has served on staff at an after-school ministry for at-risk youth in Springfield, Missouri area. She also currently serves as the Interim Communications and Media Minister at Emmaus, a local inter-denominational church body. During her free time, she enjoys playing guitar, riding her road bike with friends and listening to engaging podcasts. Quinlan hopes to continue to work in ministry and non-profit communications following graduation, as well as possibly pursue graduate education.

What college/university will you be graduating from?

Missouri State University

What is your Major?

Major: Communication Studies

Minor: Religious Studies

Certificate(s): Conflict & Dispute Resolution, Interfaith Engagement

What was your motivation for deciding your major?

I went in undecided (because I wanted to be honest) and landed in Communication Studies for a couple of reasons. I was passionate about Speech & Debate in high school (as well as the importance of public speaking) and I fell in love with the communication courses I was enrolled in. A lot of people overlook or don’t understand the field of communication, but a degree in communications can be beneficial in any arena! We could all do a better job at practicing effective and compassionate communication.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Continuing to work full-time in the field of communication and media for a ministry and/or non-profit!

What advice would you give the Freshman year version of yourself?

Simple things, I guess.  Don’t let the advice and pressure of other people in your life dictate your decisions (even if it is good advice!) This is the time when it is okay to be figuring things out. Take your time and enjoy it! It is good to take things a little less seriously and pour out more grace.

If you had a talk show, who would your first three guests be?

I would say Jamie Tworkowski (founder of the non-profit mental health organization “To Write Love on Her Arms”), Andrea Marie Regan (lead musician in United Pursuit), and Morgan Harper Nichols (poet and author).

How has your vision of the future been enhanced by your time in the Leadership Fellows Program?

Being a part of HELM’s LFP has done an excellent job at exposing me to diverse experiences over a significant portion of time. HELM has been part of all four years of my college experience and has given me really valuable opportunities for travel to new places, engage in conversations with peers from across the country, and hearing from passionate speakers and leaders. HELM has never failed to expand my perspective and take me out of my comfort zone, which has definitely been a factor as I consider opportunities for my future.